Collection: Upload 20190429203701

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Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 38. Subfile Order and Judgment.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 17. Feasibility Study.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 02. NMELC Comments on Draft Discharge Permit.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 09. James R. Kuipers P.E. Technical Comments 5.1.18 BATES-17961-17984.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 23. Tom Myers Technical Memorandum Review of Draft DP Application.pdf

Copper Flat Copper Mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 07. Draft EIS (Nov. 2015).pdf

DP-1840 Administrative Record

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 35. Maps Showing Property Boundaries.pdf

DP-1840 Administrative Record

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 36. Maps Showing Pit Lake.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Joint Statement of Intent to Present Technical Testimony by Turner Ranch Properties, LP and Hillsboro Pitchfork Ranch LLC.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 01. Draft Discharge Permit (Aug. 10, 2018).pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 03. Resume of Stephen Dobrott.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 04. Maps, Photographs and Inventories of Species for Ladder Ranch.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 05. Robert Cunningham Resume.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 06. Maps and photographs of Hillsboro Pitchfork Ranch.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 08. Resume of James R. Kuipers.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 10. Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 11. Leakage through Liners with Geomembranes.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 15. NMELC Comments on Draft EIS.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 16. US Copper Porphyry Mines, Track Record of Water Quality Impacts.PDF

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 18. Preassment Screen for Tyrone, Chino, and Morenci.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 19. Letter from NMCC to MMD Re Financial Assurance.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 20. MMD Guidance for Calculating Indirect Capital Costs.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 21. BLM Guidlines for Reviewing Reclamation Cost Estimates.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 22. Curriculum Vitae for Tom Myers.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 24. Tom Myers Technical Memorandum Contaminant Transport through Groundwater.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 26. Applied Groundwater Modeling, Simulation of Flow and Advective Tansport.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 27. Environmental Site Characterization and Ground-Water Monitoring.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 28. Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 29. Probable Hydrologic Consequences of the Copper Flat Project.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 31. Conceptual Model of GW Flow in Animas Uplift and Palomas Basin.pdf

GWB 18-06 Joint Statement of Intent

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 32. Baseline Data Characterization for Copper Flat Mine.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 14. Proposed Permit Condition C105(C)(2).pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 30. Proposed Permit Condition C103(A).pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 34. Proposed Permit Condition C113(I).pdf

Microsoft Word - NMCC Stage 1 Status rpt_2013June27.docx

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 37. Abatement Plan.pdf

Microsoft Word - PredictionsReportFinal.doc

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 13. Predicting Water Quality at Hardrock Mines.pdf

Monitoring Networks in Fractured Rocks: A Decision Analysis Approach

Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 33. Monitoring Networks in Fractured Rocks.pdf


Original Filename: Ranches Exhibit 12. Calculating Liquid Migration Through Composite Liners.pdf